Attention, Nature Lovers! 

By 2030, pasta may no longer be available in your local supermarket...

Experts agree: We are hurtling towards a global food crisis. Can we still stop it? You’ll be surprised how the seemingly small things you do today, make a huge impact on our planet’s future.

By Treehuggers Bracelets, October 26th, 2020

If you're like me, you are so worried about climate change, you can't sleep at night thinking about the future. You are scared to think what kind of planet we are leaving our children. If you've exhausted yourself going over the horrible things that are to come - floods, droughts, fires, famine, mass extinction; then you're about to read the most important article in your life. 

Here's why...

I want to share with you what I did to rid myself of worry, fear and guilt. How I started to help the planet. And how easy it can be for you to do the same. Letting go of your fears in the process, understanding that you can make a difference. 

You will be surprised how little time and effort it takes to make a huge impact. 

Ready to go? 

The future is... Not that far away! 

In the past 50 years we have produced more carbon dioxide and other harmful greenhouse gases, than in the previous 10,000 years. 

❌ We cut down over 15 billion trees every year. 

❌ We produce almost 500,000 new pieces of plastic containers EVERY MINUTE.

❌ We are destroying the planet at an epic rate.

And if we don't stop it now, this is what our future looks like...

By the 2030s

Continued deforestation has degraded woodlands and rainforests to a point where they can no longer produce enough moisture, transforming into a dry savanna. This also alters rain patterns throughout the globe, causing floods and droughts, making farming in many places of the globe impossible and causing the start of a worldwide food shortage and famine. 

The Arctic will start experiencing ice-free summers. Without the white ice-caps, less of the sun's energy will be reflected back out to space. This accelerates global warming further. 

By the 2050s

The lack of breathing forests and the huge amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere continue to heat the oceans. Creating acidic environments for marine life. The fish population crashes, effecting millions of people who rely on the ocean for their livelihoods. 

The global food crisis intensifies as the oceans can't provide us with fish any longer. 

By the 2080s

As even more farmland replaces forests, soils become exhausted and overused, unable to grow healthy crops. Global food production goes deeper into a crisis as millions are left hungry. The weather becomes ever more unpredictable. 

By the 2100s

The planet, barren of forestland, is 4 degrees Celsius warmer, rendering large parts of the Earth uninhabitable and leaving millions of people homeless. 90% of all species we know today have disappeared. As people, we fight for access to clean water, shelter and food. 

A "blueprint" of the 6th mass extinction in our planet's history. A chain reaction, starting right now with the loss of our forests.

See how you can help restore lost forests right now!

How many trees have you kill today Bob? 

The real cause of this destruction is shockingly simple. 

The world we live in today, you, me, and everyone we know - is full of more luxuries, more technology, more convenience than ever before. 

It doesn't even come close. 

Our middle class, most people alive today, live a better life than the kings and queens of old.  

We have running water. Electricity. Access to the internet. Sewer infrastructure. Easily accessible food. Medical care. And the list goes on. 

The terrible truth is that we have exhausted our natural world. We've reached a point where our environment can not sustain us any longer as a species. 

We are killing our own habitat. And we are doing it knowingly. 

The lives we lead are creating more toxic carbon waste than any humans that have ever lived before us. 

The average American alive today, for example, creates 20 TONS of carbon dioxide every year. 

4-8 acres of trees are cut down as a direct result.  

Every single second, an entire football field of forest is destroyed. 

It's hard to grasp how FAST this really is without a visual reference in front of you... 

So here is a picture of a deforested area the size of one football field, for reference. 

By the time it took you to read this sentence, most of the green in this image has vanished. 

Trees are directly tied to carbon sequestration (taking carbon out of our atmosphere and locking it in), and so, when our trees go, a massive chain reaction of events follows. Eventually leading to disaster. 

Restore lost forests right now!

The terrible truth is that most of what we do on a day to day basis is killing the planet. There is almost no action we take in our day to day lives that doesn't hurt the environment. 

And we have to change that! Now!

Our children will be the ones to pick up the tab. 

We can no longer stand to the side as our planet is being taken apart, one piece at a time. 

We can't tell our children and grandchildren that "we didn't know".

The fact is, human beings are directly responsible for the current climate crisis, and if we don't act now... We're in trouble. 

We've exploited almost 70% of our planet's natural landscape, cutting down forests to grow crops. Hunting animals for profit. Making a living off of destroying the planet. 

But this "party" has got to end. 

As Sir David Attenborough mentions in his recent Netflix film:

"Nature has a finite number, a limited amount of trees in the forest, a limited amount of fish in the sea, a limited amount of abuse our environment can take... And if there is a finite amount of anything, then by definition it is not sustainable. And can not be relied upon".

It starts with you, and me, and her, and him...

I started this article by mentioning the things we can still do to save our environment from impending doom. 

Not long ago, I was watching TV and saw a breaking news flash. 

Fire had broken out in the Amazon, burning acres upon acres of forest. The destruction was immense and it got me thinking, how can I get involved? How can I make a difference? 

My business partner was the one that actually came up with the idea...

What if we could do something good for the environment and in the process show people that they can become part of a solution. That by taking action they can also stop being afraid of climate change and do something to help.

Together we created Treehuggers as a movement for change and started planting trees in the Amazon. The support was amazing. In a few short months we were able to plant over one hundred thousand trees in the Amazon, Australia and America. 

But that wasn't everything. 

Researching the effects of human beings on our environment, we realized that taking a few small everyday steps can make a huge difference. That we can make a difference. 

Here's how...  

✅ You can save tons of CO2 emissions per year, by simply turning off the light when you leave a room. Less electricity produced, less emissions polluting our atmosphere. Using energy efficient light bulbs also makes a huge impact and will help save a few dollars on your next electric bill. 

✅ Carpool or use public transportation when possible. Taking public transportation, walking, or riding a bike to class are better options that help the environment and your budget, as well as getting some exercise in!

✅ Water is wasted more frequently than we can see. Turn off the faucet as you are brushing your teeth. Limit your water usage as you wash dishes. Changing old habits will be good for both the environment and your wallet!

✅ Recycling is such a simple thing to do, yet so many people still don't do it. Contact your local garbage disposal company to see what recycling options they offer. 

✅ Use reusable bags when you go shopping. Plastic grocery-type bags that get thrown out end up in landfills or in other parts of the environment. These can suffocate animals who get stuck in them or may mistake them for food. Also, it takes a while for the bags to decompose.

✅ Plant trees - Trees are the lungs of the Earth. They keep our air clean and our water filtered. Trees provide shelter for entire wildlife populations and contribute to a strong and healthy ecosystem. Literally saving entire species. 

These seemingly small steps make an immense impact when combined together. Leading to one important realization - We need to change our ways if we wish to survive. 

"Planting trees is the most important thing we can do to contribute to the health of the planet".

U.N. Secretary-General, António Guterres.

This quote by U.N. Secretary-General, António Guterres. Gives us a lot of hope.

But hope alone is not enough. We have to follow through with something more.

There is one word we need to live by, one word that can make a difference in the lives of almost 8 billion people.


We have to take action.Not tomorrow. Not next week.  

We need to act now.

I didn't write this article to tell you how desperate the situation is.

My guess is that if you are reading this, you probably care about the environment. But what about other people?

When you look around you, at your friends, your loved ones... Are they doing enough? Are they even aware of what is going on? Do they know that we are at risk? And more importantly, do they know that they can make a difference?

We inhabit a small planet, breathe the same air, and share our environment with all life-forms. Our fragile blue dot in space relies on so many self-sustaining life support systems, that if one breaks, the rest soon follow. 

Cause and effect. Action and reaction. 

When one species disappears, five others are placed at risk as a result. 

It would be presumptuous of us, maybe even foolish, to think that we can be directly responsible for the loss of thousands of species and not be effected ourselves. 

The very base of our eco-system is dependent on healthy trees and forests. Trees provide habitats for countless other species. And they keep the atmosphere safe for all of us. 

Forests are the planet’s biggest ally in locking away carbon. Trapping it inside their leaves and trunks.

Keeping forests healthy and resilient by increasing their bio-diversity, will only make them better at absorbing more carbon, cleaning the air and ensuring nature's balance.  

Make a difference today. Plant your tree now!

Breaking the "I'm just one person" mindset. 

If you are reading this article, most chances are that you live in an industrialized country... Meaning you automatically have a larger negative effect on the environment. 

This also means that you have a bigger responsibility to play a part in fixing this problem. 

We are destroying the planet and have now reached a point where our destruction is threatening us as a species. 

We are endangered! And we need to take action! 

You have to understand that every little thing you do, matters. Change starts with us, and we need to change fast! 

We must come to terms with the fact that we are all responsible for our current situation. We have all not been "good enough" in protecting our home. And that we are all responsible for keeping this planet habitable for future generations. 

Let's show them we care! 

97% of people will never act... Until it's too late. 

The trouble is... Most people will never take action. 

Most people will continue to bury their heads in the sand and hope that "someone" does something "about it"

They'll agree with you that things are bad and that "something has to be done". But then go on about their lives as if nothing is happening. 

It's those people who matter most, it's those people who need to hear this message! It's those people who need to follow your lead and act now to save our planet, and in the process, save ourselves! 

With over 70,000 people already spreading this message of awakening and planting trees, our Treehuggers are making a huge positive impact. 

Every day, more and more people are getting involved, realizing it's not only "nature" that we need to protect, it's our own place in it. 

And now you have a way to make a difference and to get other people involved! 

By wearing our Treehuggers Bracelet, you contribute directly to tree planting initiatives across America. 

✅ Plant life saving trees all across America.

✅ Restore lost habitats, devastated by wildfires. 

✅ Give native species a chance to survive. 

✅ Help to offset your carbon footprint. 

✅ Become a messenger of change and hope - Inspiring others to take action!

Get your bracelet now and join the movement. 


14 reviews

KOALA habitat restoration band: Plant a tree with every bracelet 🌲


One bracelet. One tree. 🌲🍃

Help offset your carbon footprint. 

Over 70,000 people awoken. 


American habitat restoration band: Plant a tree with every bracelet 🌲

14 reviews

One bracelet. One tree. 🌲🍃

Restore natural habitats.

Make your impact & inspire others. 

✅ We partner with amazing planting organizations such as American Forests who plant our trees on protected land only. 

✅ Native species alone are chosen, in meticulous fashion, to suit each specific eco-system. Making it more resilient and hospitable for wildlife, and able to absorb more CO2. 

✅ Our eco-friendly, handmade, bracelets mark your commitment to save our planet species and our species. A symbol of change, inspiring others to do the same.

✅ Connecting people in the fight against climate change, and against our own destruction. Planting more trees in the world, creating a better tomorrow. 

You can get one (or more) of our bracelets right now and join the Treehuggers movement today. 

Start making a difference in the race to save our species. 

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Treehuggers Bracelets GREEN ENERGY BRAIDED BRACELET  Review
Absolutely love it. I bought 3.

The service was wonderful and the bracelet was exactly what I expected. I call them my “remember to save the earth” bracelets. A green one for the grass/trees, a black one for the mountains, and a blue one for rivers/oceans. I never take them off. Thank you for a great product

Faye D.
United States United States

My bracelet is wonderful and I will wear it often.

Caroline G.
United States United States

I honestly love the fact how easy it it to use my bracelet and that it came with some cool stickers

David C.
United States United States
Treehuggers bracelet

Love the bracelet! My husband and I inherited his family farm. We live in a 100acres on the Rappahannock Rivah. We have had 7800 loblolly pines and 350 hardwoods planted so far. We are both committed to reforestation of our farm land!

United States United States
Always grateful for the fantastic quality and quick delivery

I absolutely love all my stuff from treehuggers ....being an old treehuggers myself.....all 67 years n endless protests to save our planet so needless to say the name f your company and your cause are number one on my list of concerns other than removing orange man from the Whitehouse ✌️✌️✌️so plz continue the good work and is there a save the planet one I love the green one.....

Lynne M.
United States United States