Attention, Nature Lovers! 

giving this Bracelet as a gift is the best thing you can do in 2020!

As 2020 draws to a close, we can safely say – WOW! What a year! With so much going on in the world it’s easy to forget the seemingly small but most important things in life, the things that make us feel nice and warm during the holidays, our home, our family!

By Treehuggers Bracelets, November 12th, 2020

Hopefully you are spending this holiday season together with your family, if you can. Staying safe and happy together is really what it’s all about.

But there is something looming in the background, and it’s not the “regular news”. It’s a truth you need to hear and the sooner the better. We've all heard the overwhelming facts science is offering us on a daily basis, we all know the deal but for some reason or another we are reluctant to change. 

And yes, we are talking about climate.

This isn't the future, it's happening now!

Take a look at what is happening to Melinda Therens out of Mondecino County, California.

Melinda wrote us a couple of days ago saying, “My property is mostly trees, many of which are dying from the droughts we’ve seen intensifying since 1976. As a result, more trees are dying and catching fire”. Being surrounded by fire more than once, Melinda understands the effects of climate change firsthand. 

“We’ve had an unprecedented number of fires in the last few years, like we’ve never seen before”. Melinda who is deeply disturbed by the ferocity of the fires is doing everything in her power to save her home. “We plant new trees every day working to recreate the healthy forest that once was”.

She is literally fighting to save her home on a daily basis.

Well, lucky I don’t live in the middle of the forest, you may say, right? 

The problem is, these global events ARE connected, the fires in California and other parts of the West Coast cause giant smoke plumes, sending hazardous particles into the air, reaching all the way across the country as far East as Washington D.C and New York City.

We are all connected!

That is why we are here today, to say LET’S STOP THIS MADNESS. We are destroying our home and we don’t even seem to care. We are leaving no future for our children and yet, we seem reluctant to change. 

We choose to ignore the signals. 

We are not fighting hard enough to save our home.

Don't just give, inspire!

But not all is lost, there is something you can do today to make a difference. You can make a huge positive impact on our environment by giving the gift of life. You can help restore forests lost in the fires, rebuild habitats for animals, offset our global carbon dioxide levels and keep our air clean. Help future generations protect our home, the only one we’ve got. 

When you purchase your Treehuggers bracelet, this is exactly what you get. 

Every bracelet purchased plants one tree in protected areas across America, bringing new life to entire eco-systems destroyed by fire. Just ask one of our 75,000 satisfied customers who together have planted over 133,000 trees! That's a whole forest. 

The trees you plant today will keep on giving for generations to come.

By taking this one simple action today you can get your bracelet and give the gift that truly keeps on giving. Doing your good deed while inspiring others to take better care of our environment. Becoming a messenger of hope and change. 

This is what makes it the perfect gift for this holiday season.

Get them for the whole family right now!

"Planting trees is the most important thing we can do to for the health of the planet".

U.N. Secretary-General, António Guterres.

Now is the time to make a choice. 

You can either continue on the path you know, the path of no action. Or you can choose the road less traveled. We all know the numbers and the stats and the figures. We all care about our children’s future, we all want a better world to live in. And yet surprisingly we choose to ignore the signs. 

If you want to make a difference, if you want to be part of change, you’re going to have to do something different. Make a new choice and pursue your new outcome.

Click the button below to get your bracelet, and we will immediately ship your order to you.

We will send you your bracelet, or bracelets :) packed inside our 100% bio-degradable packaging along with some free holiday goodies to share with your friends and family. We’ll also add a digital planting certificate so you can be sure when and where your trees are planted.

You can make a difference, together we create change.

Happy holidays!


14 reviews

KOALA habitat restoration band: Plant a tree with every bracelet 🌲


One bracelet. One tree. 🌲🍃

The perfect holiday gift.

Let your love for nature show!


American habitat restoration band: Plant a tree with every bracelet 🌲

14 reviews

One bracelet. One tree. 🌲🍃

The perfect holiday gift.

Let your love for nature show!